Shipping policy

-Shipping takes occasionally between 1-12 weeks depending on if the product is "pre made", "preorder" or "in production".
-ALL products can be returned within 10 days of receiving the product. Only if the product is still in retail condition.
-After receiving the return email you have only 1 week (7 days) to reply or your package will be kept and not refunded.
-ALL products can be exchanged right after buying and after you receive them, as long as the product is still in-stock.
-Please look at all pictures before purchasing as the color looks best in the on body shots.
-All products are designed by Vees himself. You are NOT allowed to steal designs, templates or any information.
-Drops are 95% of the time Limited so the shop will NOT close until everything sells out. The shop will only close 10 days to a 1 week prior to a new drop.
If needed to contact about an order please contact